Author Topic: A sign.  (Read 21795 times)

Offline Darius

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A sign.
« on: July 16, 2008, 10:04:19 pm »
Darius walks into the Wayward Minstrel and post  a note over along the wall.
Ladies and Gentlemen of Tharel,
I Lord Darius Cardren of Mischief, am looking for some reliable sorts, to help Mischief out. We're a  bit short handed, if you are a follower of Asteri, Cylad, or Mentmacro, Like music and causing trouble, please contact Darius at his normal Table.

Lord D.
Lord Darius Cardren, Auy'dian of Asteri, Celestine of Mischief

Offline Shaar

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Re: A sign.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 01:44:52 pm »
Duke Shaar, while enjoying a pixie sized beverage in said tavern, notices the prominently placed note.
Feeling slightly mischievous, he covertly waves his fingers at the note. Magically adding the letters 'un' to one of the words in the first sentence.

Smiling brightly, he goes back to nursing his drink.

Offline Niccal

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Re: A sign.
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 06:43:00 am »
Niccal enters the Wayward Minstrel in the search of replenishing her supply of root beer. Finding an empty stool in front of the wooden bar she tosses a few gold coins onto the surface of the counter.

A colorful minstrel shoots the young woman a smile, sliding a fizzling glass of root beer into her gloved hands. Niccal turns to face the stage where a singer performed, however the movement is interrupted as a piece of paper flutters, catching her eye.

Ladies and Gentlemen of Tharel,
I Lord Darius Cardren of Mischief, am looking for some un-reliable sorts, to help Mischief out. We're a  bit short handed, if you are a follower of Asteri, Cylad, or Mentmacro, Like music and causing trouble, please contact Darius at his normal Table.

Lord D.

Niccal chuckles and takes a sip of her drink before asking the colorful minstrel where Lord Darius' table stood. She nods her thanks and makes her way through the tavern.
"The great object of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even though in pain." ~ Lord Byron

"A masochist walked up to a sadist, and said 'Hurt me'. The sadist said 'No' and walked away." ~ Author Unknown

Offline Niccal

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Re: A sign.
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 08:15:44 pm »
Straightening her back, Niccal sits on the stage in the Minstrel's Bar, her face a bit pink at the crowd's attention. She pulls a small dulcimer onto her lap and takes in a deep breath.

"This is a... well... like a love song." She grins as the crowd becomes loud with bawdy comments. When they quiet, she continues, "Don't look too hard into it. I doubt any of you would look nice in a dress." She pauses once more as the crowd roars. "Please enjoy."

Niccal clears her throat lightly, shaking her arms. She lays her hands lightly on the dulcimer and begins plucking the strings, her lips open to sing.

Attention caught
Movement at the door,
A woman entered the room.

Who is She?

Green silk overdress,
Amber linen under,
Stitched to outline
The ripe curves of her body.

Who is She?

Her mouth richly full,
Her dark brown eyes large,
Long lashed.

Curling brown hair loose,
Around her shoulders,
Covering it with and amber gauze veil
Hold in with jeweled pins.

Who is She?

Was looking at her,
She smiled.

Her eyes filled
With so much merriment,
Had to smile back.

Who is She?
Who is She?
Who is She?

Niccal allows the dulcimer's vibration to linger in the air as her voice becomes silent. She glances at the crowd waiting for their reaction.

OOC: I swear :P laughing will cause me to cry. :(
« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 08:20:41 pm by Niccal »
"The great object of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even though in pain." ~ Lord Byron

"A masochist walked up to a sadist, and said 'Hurt me'. The sadist said 'No' and walked away." ~ Author Unknown

Offline Archaeon

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Re: A sign.
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2009, 04:55:34 am »
Archaeon eased into the the worn seat. He signaled the waitress and ordered a pint of ale. As the girl turned to fetch the beer, Archaeon's eyes flickered, taking in all her beauty in a single pass. He smiled. He still had all his skills, even if they were a touch out of practice.
His ale arrived and he tossed a silver to the waitress, making her smile back. He didn't need to say anything, or leave a message at the bar. Simply being here was enough to let Lord Darius that he was interested.
Besides, he had just seen a Pixie flit past outside, and there was something about the way she held her gardening trowel that interested him...
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 04:51:01 am by Archaeon »
Master! Master! Where's the dream that I've been after?
Master! Master! Promises only lies!